About Domestic Violence and Abuse Protection Inc.

Domestic Violence and Abuse Protection, Inc. is a non-profit organization that offers a meaningful solution to the problem of restraining order violations.

By teaming up with other domestic violence advocacy groups, we provide an alternative resource for safety for victims of violated protection or restraining orders.

Victims and families of victims can be protected in their own homes. We partner with Branch Management Protection, a security company, that provides professional physical security at no cost to victims of violence, abuse, and stalking.

We provide the same service for victims of elderly and child abuse. Protection orders are enforced by our fully uniformed professionals by alerting local law enforcement of violators while providing physical security to prevent further injury or death.

Domestic Violence and Abuse Protection, Inc. also provides access to accompaniment to court while legal proceedings are occurring, a circumstance when victims are usually vulnerable.

We shall act as compassionate and caring members of society, where violent and abusive behaviors are not tolerated. We advocate honest and meaningful support from intimidation, injury, and death, to allow what everyone deserves, a pursuit of peace for individuals and families.
We provide access to fully uniformed protection operators at the residence of individuals who have a restraining order or a criminal protective order in place. The aim is to prevent the abusive person from gaining access to the property and violating court orders
We partner with operators that are specially trained to work in environments where domestic violence takes place. They understand that personal physical harm is not the only destructive behavior that can occur during these times. The protection operators alert Law Enforcement Agencies that a protection order has in violation to prevent property damage or vandalism from occurring to the already traumatized victim.
If a court order is violated, our funding allows for trained operators to respond accordingly within the law. Local law enforcement shall be informed immediately and the suspect can be taken into custody immediately. Our partners use the latest technology to record and document incidents to assist district attorneys in cases involving domestic violence
The victims of domestic violence and their families have endured enough trauma and stress. Our funding allows for victims to secure a service that allows victims and families to stay at home protected and safe without further disturbance or costly relocations.

Our Team


Melissa Montoya


Keri Martinez

Board Member

Samantha Bell

Board Member

Frank Martinez

Board Member

Laniea Dominguez

Board Member

Trisha Wood

Board Member

Sal Ayala, Jr

Board Member

Kate Sullivan

Board Member

Darrel Olson

Board Member

Wayne McPherson

Board Member

How Do I Go About Getting a Restraining Order?

If you are a victim of domestic violence or abuse, you have alternatives at your disposal. A restraining order can protect you from being physically or sexually abused, threatened, stalked, or harassed.

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